Monday, September 7, 2015

The Pinnacles Walk, Kaueranga Valley

When I was a kid our family used to camp in Kaueranga Valley (that was before a tourist couple got killed there) so it caused me some nostalgia to drive over the bridge that we used to go over (and the awesome waterhole right next to it). The walk up to the Hut was good but steep. I stopped there for lunch - it was an awesome sunny day (April 2014) and I was contemplating going all the way up to the top but the walk had tired me out quite a bit & I wished I'd worn my tramping boots instead of sneakers coz I could feel every stone on the track that I walked over. So I headed back down without going all the way to the top. The hut was full which was a pity coz it would've been nice to camp up there and drop all my gear and actually do the walk up to the top with just a water bottle and jacket - its a really flash hut. I remember staying there once with my youth group when I was a teenager.
So this is my family when I was a kid at the waterhole
And this is how it looked the last time I went
And these are a few of the pics I took on the way up - such a beautiful sunny day!

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