Sunday, September 6, 2015

Road Trip March 2014 - Punakaiki Rocks

I had several days to spend sightseeing before I started the Heaphy Track, so I hired a car and went tiki touring - and saw some amazing things! I had a really good time, even though I was pretty much by myself except for the nice little asian tourist I picked up in Greymouth on my way to Punakaiki rocks. I never think its a good idea for girl tourists to hitch hike alone, which is the main reason I picked her up, also I thought it might be nice to have some company for a change. So here are some of the photos I got at Punakaiki rocks:
Apparently its known that they were created by layers being put down but its unknown exactly how all the formations came to be, which I think its curious that scientists haven't figured it out yet. I'm sure it can't be the only place in the world with formations like this.

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