Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wanaka & Puzzling World

I only spent one night in wanaka, which wasn’t that much time to have a proper look around. One thing I liked down by the Lake front was this huge meandering path they put together with stones commemorating every year in between 0AD and 2000AD with historic milestones inscribed on certain years. I can’t remember any of them but I tried to take photos of a lot of them. I think I got as far as about 1300 when it started raining and I had to make a run for it.

The only thing I did there of any interest was visit Puzzling World, a scenic attraction 2kms out. Theres a maze, which didn’t take that long to complete, but trying to get back out (completely reversing your steps) took forever. You have to go to each corner first – yellow, red, green and blue and then find your way back out to the entrance.

They had a shrinking room, interesting murals in the toilets, an angled clock to pose with, a tilted room where everything goes against gravity (or appears to), a kaleidoscope mirror ceiling, and puzzles to keep you entertained if you’re waiting for someone to finish one of the activities.

The owner of the place has also launched a psychic challenge for someone to locate two pieces of a treasure map within a short distance of the building. Its worth quite a bit of money, and has been running for a few years but nobody has been able to figure out where it is.

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