Friday, July 9, 2010

Lake Tekapo

On the plane on the way to the South Island, I was reading a magazine article about the south island, a place called Lake Tekapo. I’d never heard of it before, and I had no idea that I would very shortly be coming into contact with it.

The bus from Christchurch to Queenstown was an extremely long journey – about 8 hrs all up, but halfway through the trip, my patience was rewarded with a lunch break at this beautiful place. Unfortunately my camera was not so good at capturing the glorious aqua blue colour in the water, but I tried my best. It was stunning. So peaceful and lovely. I’d love to go back there and have a proper look around.

I was sitting on a park bench admiring the water when an English couple came and sat next to me. We got chatting, and turns out they’d come down for a holiday to NZ and he’d proposed just the day before, at Lake Tekapo. Which makes it a special place for them, they said they’d love to come back and get married in the little stone chapel there just next to the water, if they can convince all their family to come down with them.

On the way back from Queenstown a couple of days later I had a chance to stop there again and take more photos. I’m not sure if you would actually want to swim there, It looks awesome, but all the rivers and lakes in the south island are glacier fed and so are liable to be freezing cold at the best of times.

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