Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cathedrale Cove

I hadn't been to Cathedrale Cove for about 20yrs when I decided to go back and check it out again. It was completely overrun by people and it was nearly impossible to get a carpark, I had to drive down the hill and back up a couple of times before I spotted some people about to leave and took their carpark. It was a hot wonderful summers day and the water was awesome and refreshing. I did wonder about everyones blatant disobservance of all the warning signs around the archway warning about falling rock possibility. But then I can't really talk coz I went through the arch a few times to take photos and go for a swim on the other side.

The last time I was there it was a sunday and we went with our youth group. The leaders wouldn't let anyone in the water, it being the Sabbath, and so we ended up building sand castles on the beach (Book of Mormon oriented ones, if I remember rightly) until some of the boys "accidentally" threw their ball in the water and all of them needed to go in the water to get it back out.

This time I went for a swim, it was much better.

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