Sunday, October 2, 2011

Marahau to Anchorage

We stopped a lot on the way for photos and food breaks. We left our packs a couple of times to descend down hills to see Apple Tree Bay and another place so we could get better photos, but after a while I was too tired to go down any more hills. It did level out for quite a bit, there were lots of waterfalls as well and in places it looked like the bush had been through a fire. Finally we saw a sign, 35mins to Anchorage. I was so happy! But it wasn’t all downhill – the last few hills nearly killed me, my quads were burning. I was so glad when we got to the beach that said Anchorage. We chucked our stuff in the hut and laxed out on the beach for about 20mins we had the place to ourselves, then this group of teenagers showed up. They were very loud. Not looking forward to spending the night near them. I hope they sleep in the other bunk room (Theres two). Some of them went for a swim, yelling loudly.

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