Monday, December 27, 2010

Matapouri Beach

I remember the first time I ever went to see Matapouri beach. It was nearly New Years just before I went on my mission, and my friends and I had planned a road trip up to this beach that we didn't really know the location of (except that a family in our ward owned some land there and didn't mind us camping out). But we made it there eventually.

It was the best holiday ever, relaxing, fun and peaceful. New Years eve we had a ward get together with a dance and an swesome feed, then just before midnight we all walked down to the beach with our scorched almonds and sparkling grape juice, and watched the stars over the ocean as we welcomed in the new year.

A few years later, I ended up there for an impromptu YSA conference that had been put together in a week. We spent all afternoon at the beach, hanging out, listening to guitar music, swimming and sunbathing. Then when night came our leaders put together a bbq dinner for us and we finished off with a testimony meeting and singing. It was one of the best most spiritual nights of my life, sitting on the sand, listening to the waves crashing, listening to people talk about God while surrounded by his creations.

I have a cousin who lives in Matapouri, and I haven't had a chance to visit her yet. The last time I went up there on our road trip I ended up taking some photos though they certainly don't show the place in its best light. It was too cold and overcast to do much more than explore. But i can't wait to go there again.

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